Medical, cancer

Cancer: The Modern Curse

Written by Dr. Shrutica Tamrakar

In the rapid developing and fast paced world, the one thing that has impacted and distressed the people of each age group, each color and each race is carcinoma aka Cancer. The word cancer was first used by the Greek physician “Hippocrates” (460-370 BC) who used the terms cancións and carcinoma to describe non-ulcer forming and ulcer-forming tumors. In Greek this means a crab. The description was named after the crab because the finger-like spreading projections from a cancer called to mind the shape of a crab.

There are wide variation and distribution of cancer throughout the world. Hospital data clearly indicates that, two sites most commonly involved are Uterine Cervix in women and The Oropharynx in both sexes. In the Women Cervical Cancer is commonly associated with the poor genital hygiene, early consumption of marriage, multiple pregnancies and contact with the multiple sexual partners whereas the most common cause of breast cancer are related to the shorter period of breast feeding, late marriage.

#Early Warning Signs of Cancer ::

Following are the early signs of cancer
1. A lump or hard area in the breast.
2. A change in a wart or mole.
3. A persistent change in digestive and bowel habits d. a persistent cough or hoarseness.
4. An excessive loss of blood at the monthly period or loss of blood outside the usual dates.
5. A blood loss from any natural orifice.
6. A swelling or sore that does not get better.
7. An unexplained loss of weight.

The word cancer was first used by the Greek physician “Hippocrates”
Two sites most commonly involved are Uterine Cervix in women and The Oropharynx in both sexes.

#Cancer Screening:

Screening for cancer cervix:
Current policy suggests that all women should have the Pap – Screening test at the beginning of sexual activity and every 3 year thereafter.

Screening for breast cancer :
1.BSE (Breast self examination) by the patient.
2.Palpation by the physician.

The screening program has reduced the incidental mortality of cancer in many developed countries. The causative agent for cervical cancer is Human papilloma virus (Sexually Transmitted) which can be prevented by early detecting and vaccinating against HPV (Human papilloma virus) . There are several types of markers available which can be used to diagnose the cancer in the very early stage and also for the monitoring the progression, identifying recurrence and monitoring treatment response. The Markers are CEA, CA125, CA 19.9, CA 15.3,

#A Word From the writer:

Learning about your cancer and being your own advocate in your care can help you feel more in control of your disease. Sometimes, it may even make a difference in your outcome. Play an active role in your care. Keep asking questions. Treatment and monitoring of breast cancer are improving rapidly, and it's hard for any one person, even a specialist, to stay on top of every change.